研究発表タイトル:Teaching and Learning Cycle in Writing Classroomsについて,JALT 2019学会で発表してきました。ジャンルを取り入れたL2ライティングと教授・学習サイクル(the teaching and learning cycle)の研究結果を発表しました。EFL学習者兼大学1年生のライティングの伸びを,SFLフレームワークを使用し何がどう伸びたかを検証しました。今回のデータ分析結果も,ideational meaning に関するmetafunctions の数値が低くなるという結果になりました..... (ここをどう伸ばすかが問題ですね)。
概要: This study explores how 27 first-year university students in two English proficiency groups developed from novices to experienced academic essay writers through the teaching and learning cycle (TLC) during a 15-week a genre-based approach of writing course which provides explicit instruction and scaffolded activities. The presenter addresses the following research questions: How can teachers apply TLC in EFL reading and writing classroom contexts? How does the TLC influence learners' understanding of the target genre essay?
Nov 3 (Sunday); 4:35 PM - 5:00 PM